Masters of Swing

Masters of Swing

Series of drawings honoring four of the great Swing Jazz artists.


I drew this series of portraits in preparation for Lindy Focus 2018 where I’ve sold art prints for the last several years as well as having taught dance for the last two. These are all musicians who have had a special connection with the event in some way, so paying tribute to them through visual art (in addition to their music) was a meaningful way for me to connect with the event.

Client: Self
Tools: Pencil, Moleskine Sketchbook
Masters of Swing Drawings, Framed Artwork

Ella Fitzgerald

Masters of Swing Drawing, Ella Fitzgerald
Masters of Swing Drawing, Ella Fitzgerald

Chick Webb

Masters of Swing Drawing, Chick Webb
Masters of Swing Drawing, Chick Webb

Benny Goodman

Masters of Swing Drawing, Benny Goodman
Masters of Swing Drawing, Benny Goodman

Lionel Hampton

Masters of Swing Drawing, Lionel Hampton
Masters of Swing Drawing, Lionel Hampton

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