Silver Bell Jazz Band

Silver Bell Jazz Band

Album design for Bay Area traditional jazz band, Silver Bell Jazz Band.


So I lead a band and we recorded our first album, what was I gonna do, hire someone else to design it?! For this one I wanted the four of us represented on the cover because we were a tight crew and having something to commemorate the hours of playing together felt special. One summer in particular, we spent most Saturdays from about 8am-noon sitting right where you see us on the cover, at the SF Ferry Building busking. The backdrop was the beautiful Bay Bridge in the dawn light. Magic.

Client: Silver Bell Jazz Band
Tools: Photoshop
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design

Final Design

This is the final cover art. The album is available for purchase on bandcamp HERE

Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design Front Cover
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design Back Cover
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design CD Design
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design Interior Cover
Silver Bell Jazz Band Final ALbum Design Interior Cover

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